Thursday, July 26, 2012

Coupon Stacking

Coupon Stacking:

When I first started couponing, this was something I had heard about but feared ever trying. It seemed so overwhelming and I was so afraid of getting it wrong. It really seemed like an art of its own and I wasn’t quite sure I was ready to try it. But once I understood the basics of it, I kicked myself for not using this amazing art sooner.

What is coupon stacking?

When you stack coupons, you are using 2 or more coupons, depending on the scenario for the best deal on your purchase. In order to stack coupons, you must have 1 store coupon and 1 Manufacturer coupon.

For example, let’s say there is a product on sale for $3.00. You can use 1 manufacturer’s coupon, in this example, let’s say $1 off, AND you can use 1 store coupon with that, let’s say it is also $1 off. By Stacking the store coupon AND manufacturers coupon you save $2.00 off of the $3.00 item making this item just $1.00.

ABC shampoo- $3.00 Sale Price

Use 1 $1/1 MQ AND Use 1 $1/1 Store coupon

Pay $1.00 OOP

Easy right?

This is an example of an easy stacking scenario. We will go over more complex forms later as well as in the coupon parties.

While you are able to stack a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon, you must never use 2 manufacturer coupons on one product. This would be coupon fraud and the store would not get reimbursed.

I have run into the problem that some cashiers have confused coupon stacking with doubling.  They are not the same thing.  Know your store policy and familiarize yourself with the terminology and rules before shopping.  Double coupons (not stacking) are coupons that stores come out with on the mainland in their ads that will match the price of manufacturers coupons.  From what I have found, no Hawaii stores offer double coupons.

Not all stores allow stacking so be sure you are familiar with your store’s policy. It is a good idea to keep a copy of the policy in your binder as well. You can find links to each of the store coupon policies on home page to the right.

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